Power Of Asking(1): Always Ask 'Why?' Before Doing Anything. - SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE MAGAZINE


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Power Of Asking(1): Always Ask 'Why?' Before Doing Anything.

Power Of Asking(1): Always Ask 'Why?' Before Doing Anything.

By Charles Segun Adegbite

Don't do anything without a purpose. Don't do anything without knowing the real reason(s) for doing it.

A lot of innocent criminal suspects I have interviewed before, in some states' command headquarters of The Nigeria Police have expressed regrets for taking what they called a 'mere decision' casually without asking 'Why am I doing?' before taking the sincere but wrong actions, which led to their complicity in the serious crime.

A lot of people have landed in court and from there, ended up in prison, only to be regretting by saying 'I don't even know what pushed me into it. I didn't know why I joined them in doing it. Or I didn't know why I ventured into it."

Some youths have joined their fellow guys in raping a girl, only to be regretting for engaging in the 5 minutes "fun", for the rest of their lives.

A lot of us have ventured into wrong businesses or embarked on a career that fetched us prolonged regrets just because we didn't ask enough questions before venturing into them.

So many people have embarked on a journey abroad without asking 'Why?' and  getting the genuine answers to the 'Why?', only to become poorer than they left when they got there or even cut short their lifespan.

So many people have joined deadly secret societies without knowing what they were venturing into, only to be making fruitless efforts to get out later and regretting why they joined in the first instance.

Countless number of people have entered into marriage that didn't only cost them their peace, but their entire lives.

Uncountable is the number of people who have joined politics because they think it's a fast way to get power, money and influence, only to lose all they have spent years to acquire within a short period and ended up with eternal regret.

Always ask yourself, 'Why do I want to do this thing?'

You can only know the full reason(s) for doing a thing if you first exercise the patience to ask yourself, 'why do I really want to do this thing?'


Asking qualifies you for an answer, because you will never get an answer to a question you are not willing to ask.

Asking qualifies you for an answer, because you will never get an answer to a question you are not willing to ask.

By asking 'Why?' you will be able to know whether it's out of ulterior motives, mere selfish ambition or genuine intention to serve.

You will be able to know if the reason is good and strong enough to embark on it.

You will be able to know whether it really worths something you should spend all your energy, time and other resources on or not.

You will be able to know if you have all it takes to embark on it.
You will be able to know if you can endure all the challenges involved or not to venture into it at all.

Not having strong reason for doing a thing or knowing the purpose for doing it, is one of the major reasons people quit when the going gets tough.


"For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?"

In the Holy Bible Jesus Christ asks the disciples in Luke 14:28, "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?"

In that passage, the need for one to sit down and ask a lot of questions before embarking on a serious project or venture is emphasized on.

Before doing anything, always ask yourself  'why?', so that you won't regret for not asking why later.

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